On-line Aerial Mapping

There are numerous on-line drone aerial mapping sites.  Most are by subscription, however there are a few that provide some image processing for free:

1. AutoDesk 123D - http://www.123dapp.com/catch/Capture_2016_08_04_06_58_29/5974943

The image was processed from aerial mapping session in Leduc east using a DJI Phantom 3 Professional and flight mission application Altizure/DroneDeploy.  123D does allow for image exports.

2. DroneDeploy provides a cloud based service for aerial mapping and an Android application for mission planning.  The free service provides up to 5 mapping projects with up to 500 photos, and a maximum pixel resolution of 15 cm.  You can view the output on-line but the free option does not allow any image export.

Website: https://www.dronedeploy.com/

3: OpenDroneMap?



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