Using DroneDeploy for Aerial Mapping

You can work directly from your PC workstation using your browser and the URL above.

You can start using DroneDeploy once you setup an account and login to your Dashboard.

You can choose a saved mission or pick the blue + button to create a new one.

This is an example of a planned mission for Baruun_Urt central district. Note we are trying to limit the flight time to under 20 minutes. To cover a larger area you will have to fly the drone at a higher elevation. In this example we are around 196 m which gives us a 6.4 cm pixel size. This is a small pixel size.

Note: you can use the world map to scroll to your location. The app will also use the GPS in your system to locate where you are. If you want to prepare a map that is away from where you are planning a mission you can import a shapefile or kml with the project location information.

If you select the advanced option you will see addition mapping information. DroneDeploy will plan your waypoints and tracks to give you a default sidelap 65% and frontlap 75%. You can also set the orientation of the tracks by adjusting the bearing.

DroneDeploy has included some links to tutorial videos under support if you would like more information.

You can use your laptop with Bluetooth to connect to the DJI drone to launch your autonomous flight mission, or you can download DroneDeploy to your smart phone or tablet from the Android Play Store. It is easier to connect your phone or tablet to the radio controller.

Note: there are two mobile apps you use with your DJI drones, one is DJI Go which allows you to connect to your drone to set FPV parameters, update firmware, calibrate IMU and Compass and provide general maintenance information on the drone and DroneDeploy which helps you plan and execute and autonomous flight mission for aerial photos which can be used to create an orthophoto.

Once you are connected to your drone and it has verified the flight checklist you will be able to launch your mission.

Extra Note: You will not be able to connect to your drone with DroneDeploy if you have launched DJI Go before. DJI Go will not release the link to your drone unless you close the app.  So make sure the DJI Go app is closed. 


Go to the DroneDeploy website and check out the support tutorials.

Augusto (Gus) Ribeiro


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